Seminar: Innovation Research (379057)

Course Outline

General Characteristics
Titel Seminar: Innovation Research 
Course Number 379057   
Semester WiSe 2024/25
Course Frequency Infrequent 

This course provides advanced insights on selected phenomena of Innovation Management and Innovation Economics. In this term, the Seminar will focus on empirical research in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship. The participants will have the opportunity to address a research question conceptually working with existing literature on the topic. In their seminar essay and presentation, students will present their research findings in written and oral form. Beyond that, they will critically and constructively discuss the essay of a fellow student.    

Target Group    

Master Wirtschaftswissenschaften (PO 2018): Major / Minor Area Strategic Management
Master Wirtschaftsingenieur (PO 2018): Ökonomische Area Strategic Management    

Number of Participants 20
Language English
Location Internal
Partners None
Schedule Block course

Preparation of Essay 

Requirements and Support
Course Objectives

After participating in the course, students will be able to

  1. distinctively identify a research question
  2. critically and systematically review literature related to that research question
  3. write and present a short research paper
  4. understand and critically assess empirical innovation research 
  5. critically reflect on the work of other students   
Required Pre-Qualifications

(1) Solid command of English
(2) Basic knowledge of Innovation Management and Innovation Economics
(3) Knowledge in empirical identification strategies 
(4) Active participation during sessions
(5) Willingness to engage in comprehensive literature research

Support Course Scientific Work None
Formal Guidelines   Template Seminar Essay    
General Literature

References to basic literature will be provided in the first session

Basic Literature Yes
Methodology The course is focused on conceptual work on the basis of empirical research in innovation management and innovation economics.
Software for Statistics None
Software for Writing     Word, Zotero
Essay Length     Up to 15 pages all in (title page; body of text, tables, figures, references)
Consultations One meeting minimum, up to three meetings
Examination Components  Seminar essay (70%), presentation (20%), discussion (10%)

Prof. Dr. Johann Nils Foege

Contact Prof. Dr. Johann Nils Foege
Prof. Dr. Marina Schröder
Group Work & Topic Assignment
Group Work Yes
Group Size max. 3
Group Arrangement Randomly assigned 
Topics Innovation and entrepreneurship, details will follow
Topic Assignment   Topics will be assigned by preference in the first session   
Type of Pre-Registration


Topic Presentation Within the first two weeks of the term
Topic Assignment Within the first two weeks of the term
Binding Registration Within the first two weeks of the term
Start Working Phase Within the first two weeks of the term
Deadline Essay     27.01.2025
Deadline Presentation  Calendar Week 2
Presentation Calendar Week 2

Pre-Registration Form